• Summer Heat Safety Tips For Your Pets

    Posted on August 6th, 2014
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    We all love spending the long, sunny days of summer outdoors with our furry companions, but the ASPCA warns being overeager in hot weather can spell danger.

    Take these simple precautions, provided by ASPCA experts, to help prevent your pet from overheating. And if you suspect your pet is suffering from heat stroke, get help from your veterinarian immediately.

    • Pets can get dehydrated quickly, so give them plenty of fresh, clean water when it’s hot outdoors. Make sure your pets have a shady place to get out of the sun, be careful to not over-exercise them, and keep them indoors when it’s extremely hot.
    • Symptoms of overheating in pets include excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart and respiratory rate, drooling, mild weakness, stupor or even collapse. They can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomit along with an elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees.
    • Never leave your animals alone in a parked vehicle. Parked cars can heat up extremely rapidly even with the windows open!
    • Do not leave pets unsupervised around a pool-not all dogs are good swimmers. Introduce your pets to water gradually and make sure they wear flotation devices when on boats.
    • Feel free to trim longer hair on your dog, but never shave your dog: The layers of dogs’ coats protect them from overheating and sunburn. Brushing cats more often than usual can prevent problems caused by excessive heat.
    • When the temperature is very high, don’t let your dog linger on hot asphalt. Being so close the ground, your pooch’s body can heat up quickly, and sensitive paw pads can burn. Keep walks during these times to a minimum.
  • Mutt Monday’s Success Story – Dakota

    Posted on July 14th, 2014
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    Another sweet dog find her forever home!

    The San Diego Humane Society helps many homeless animals find their “furrever” home. Here is yet another success story about Dakota who is very happy with her new family:

    Dakota (formerly Tomato)
    “Perfect Dog!”

    DakotaThis is the best dog ever!  She sits, lays down, fetches and drops it at your feet, sleeps in her crate and poops and pees outside, even goes to the sliding door and scratches to go out to pee!

    She’s great with our 5 year old daughter and gentle with our 2 year old daughter.

    It’s like she’s an angel sent from heaven just for our family!!  Took her to puppy class at Petco and the lady was teaching her third and fourth week stuff, smart dog.

    I am so very thankful we got her!!  PERFECT DOG! 🙂

    Her new name is “Dakota” friend, ally, forever smiling.

    DakotaWith great appreciation!!
    The Snow family

  • Bring the Green Into Your Home

    Posted on July 9th, 2014
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    Beyond the aesthetics, plants provide a multitude of benefits when brought into your home.

    A study done at Virginia Tech found that the water vapor transpired by plants makes for a great natural humidifier and reduces dust by up to 20 percent.

    The study also found that plants emit substances that can reduce airborne bacteria by 50 to 60 percent. Here are some other reasons to consider putting plants in your home:

    Plants Improve Your Mood

    Numerous studies done by the American Horticultural Therapy association have found that being around plants lifts your spirits. Many of the studies have shown that plants have the power to increase your well-being. Some health benefits include:

    • Lowered blood pressure
    • Increased productivity
    • Increased relaxation
    • Higher self-esteem
    • Improved memory and concentration
    • Healthy skin

    All these benefits assist in not only increasing and improving brain function but also improving your overall health. If you are less stressed, your heart and other vital organs will have improved functions. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and increase oxygen levels, which can also assist in your lung and heart health. The extra moisture in the air can help people with dry or sensitive skin, and the increased humidity can improve lung function as well as helping you avoid colds and dry coughs. Overall, a better, stress-free environment in your home also is sure to increase the stability and strength of your family.

    Plants Knock Out Toxins

    Adding plants to your home, in combination with other tactics, will assist in removing all the airborne toxins that sneak into your home. Unfortunately, adding plants alone will not completely remove bacteria, so consider purchasing odor removers to take out any stenches left by cats or cigarettes. Clearing out these smells will assist in reducing bacteria and set the stage for the new, healthy plants that will cover your home.

    Plants will also aid in cleaning the air by removing toxins from your home including the three main culprits: benzene, formaldehyde and trichloethylene. The plants use their foliage and soil to suck the toxins out of the air and, more importantly, out of the lungs of you and your family.

    Plants That Clean Your Air

    Many of these plants can be purchased online and delivered directly to your home. Here are some of the top plants to bring into your home:

    • English Ivy: Perfect for small places, this hearty vine is great for climbing around in rooms of little light. The ivy is known for absorbing formaldehyde.

    • Lady Palm: The beautiful palm brings the scenery of a beach to your home while eliminating ammonia, used in many cleaners around the home.

    • Wax Begonia: A beautiful plant that yields red flowers in the summer, and helps in eliminating toluene used in many paints and adhesives.

    These are just a few of the plants you can put into your home. There are so many great options, all you have to do is find a plant that fits your tastes and needs!

  • Happy Fourth Of July – Keep Your Pets Safe!

    Posted on July 3rd, 2014
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    Did you know the Fourth Of July is the biggest day of the year that pets get lost?

    The animals shelters receive the most lost and scared pets on the Fourth Of July than any other day of the year.

    Please keep your pets safe at home and read our blog to make sure you are doing everything for your pet’s safety:

    • Don’t leave your pets outside. Even if your pet is used to being outside, the loud noises from fireworks may make them break free from their restraint or jump the fence if they are trying to find safety from the noise.
    • Keep alcohol away from pets. Pets can become dangerously intoxicated, go into a coma or even die from respiratory failure.
    • Leave your pet at home if going to watch fireworks. The combination of too many people and loud fireworks will cause your pet to freak out and do anything they can to seek shelter. Do not lock them in the car either!
    • Microchip your pet and make sure he or she has ID tags. If your pet does manage to get loose, an ID tag with your name and phone number on it will help your dog find his way back home. You also want to make sure your pet is micro-chipped.
    • Never use fireworks around your pet. Lit fireworks will not only scare your pet but they can cause severe burns, trauma to the face or paws and even death. They also contain toxic substances even when unused.
    • Don’t feed your pet from the table. Avoid giving your pet table food while you are barbequing or enjoying a backyard party. Onions, coffee, avocado, grapes, raisins, salt and more are all hazardous to your pets.
    • Oils, citronella candles, insect coils and other insect repellant products are toxic to your pet. Inhaling these toxins can result in respiratory illness such as pneumonia and indigestion which can harm your pet’s nervous system.

    What do you do to keep your pet safe and secure on the Fourth? Comment on our blog.

  • Keep Ants Away – Naturally!

    Posted on July 2nd, 2014
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    Are ants invading your home? We’ve noticed a lot at our home and it seems it’s a never ending battle during the summer to keep them out.

    Clear The Air would like to share some all-natural, green ways to keep pests out of your home:

    Stop the scouts: The first few ants you see in your kitchen is a warning there are more. They are checking your kitchen to see if you have any goodies for them. Keep all food off your counters and wipe up any crumbs.

    Close up entry: Seal any small holes or cracks in your home that ants may be able to get through. You can use silicone caulking, putty, glue or plaster. If you don’t have that on hand, a temporary solution such as petroleum jelly can work. But make sure you get a hold of a permanent solution soon.

    Use Soapy Water: Grab a spray bottle and add a teaspoon of dish soap in it and fill the rest with water. When you see ants, spray them with the dish soap solution. You can also add any type of citrus to your mixture…ants hate citrus.

    Put up a barrier: you can use many different household items to sprinkle around your home or around any areas you think the ants are entering. Some of these items include cinnamon, cayenne pepper, baby powder, white vinegar and citrus oil.

    Create natural baits: Corn meal works great and is safe to use around pets and children. The ants will carry it home and try to eat it but they cannot digest it properly. Coffee grounds also work great as they will take it back to their colony and they cannot properly digest it.

    How do you keep ants away from your home? Comment on our blog…

  • Mutt Monday’s Success Story

    Posted on June 23rd, 2014
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    Meatball – A heart of gold and a gentle spirit!

    Happy Mutt Monday! Check out Meatball’s story…he has found his forever home from the San Diego Humane Society. Looking for a new four legged family member? Adopt from the San Diego Humane Society!!

    MeatballMy husband and I want to thank you and everybody at your facility for taking such good care of our new boy and for being so thoughtful in making sure he was a good fit for us and vice versa.  I’m super happy to report that he seems to already feel quite at home in his new house and has been nothing but a joy since we brought him here.  Chico and he seem to be getting along quite nicely and Chico is much more interested in him than he was yesterday.

    Meatball has already gotten accustomed to having a cat around and seems sort of indifferent towards LuLu which we’re taking as a good sign.  They’ve sniffed each other and they pass in the hallway without any signs of excitability….just a little bit of tail wagging.  That harness that we got him must be working too since walking him is super easy and he doesn’t pull at all!  He’s house trained and loves going into his crate since all his best stuff is in there.  He whines a bit if i leave the room or when we go to bed at night but within about two minutes all is quiet and we hear him working on his kong.

    I really can’t tell you how much we love him already…I’m getting teary-eyed just writing this.  He seems to have a heart of gold and a gentle spirit and an obvious enthusiasm for life and we can’t wait to get to know him more!

    Thanks again for bringing us together!!!!!

    The Burke Family

  • Do People Think You Are A Crazy Cat Lady?

    Posted on June 19th, 2014
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    Do other people know you have cats the minute they walk in your door?

    Cat litter boxes can be offensive to the nose and  can make your home smell like a giant kitty box! If you don’t want to smell like the crazy cat lady, continue reading for a safe and effective way to eliminate cat litter odor.

    It is important for the litter box area to be safe, quiet and away form the hustle and bustle at home. Here are some tips for creating a pleasant environment for your kitty’s sandbox:

    • Keep the litter box in a safe and quiet location. Make sure it is not in a corner with no escape – like the end of the laundry room with one entry/exit.
    • Keep litter box clean…no one likes a dirty outhouse!
    • Keep litter box and the cat’s feeding area in separate places.
    • Don’t place litter box on carpet…often the feel of carpet is more attractive than the litter thus causing accidents.
    • Don’t move the box around and if you have to change the location of it, do it gradually (a few inches a day)
    • The bigger the box, the better.
    • Add Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminator to the box every time you scoop the litter box, clean it or you smell it and just don’t have time right then to clean it out.

    If your kitty misses the sandbox or has an accident somewhere else he/she isn’t supposed to, clean up the spot and sprinkle Earth Care on the soiled area. Cat urine is a very strong odor and unfortunately it stays in the carpet if you do not have the proper way to get rid of it. That is why Earth Care works great for cat urine odor. Earth Care draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are adsorbed and neutralized.

    Plus, our products are 100% safe to use around pets and children, even if ingested!

  • Cotton Is Looking For His Furrrrrever Home!

    Posted on June 9th, 2014
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    Cotton – the Purrrrfect Choice!

    Cotton is a “Hidden Gem” at the San Diego Humane Society. Check out his story…he is looking for a forever home. If you or someone you know is looking to adopt a kitty, please consider Cotton from the San Diego Humane Society:

    Look up the word “sweet” in the dictionary and it’s altogether possible that the definition you find will simply read: “Cotton the cat.” Of course, the same can easily be said for any similar such words, e.g. “Lovable,” “Affectionate,” “Loving,” etc. And you could rest assured that you were being given completely accurate information (from a crazy awesome type of dictionary no less).

    You see, this 7-year old Himalayan/Domestic Longhair mix is the epitome of all such words and sentiments. Truly. Like seriously, you have no idea. Cotton has managed to take all of our collective hearts, steal them, and also melt them simultaneously. All he wants is to nuzzle, purr, and affectionately knead his way into your arms.

    Want to hold him like a baby?
    Guess what? He wants you to, too!

    Looking for a feline who isn’t afraid to express his sweeter, softer side?
    Well, you’re in luck because he just so happens to be looking for you, too!!

    Now, it is perhaps worth mentioning that the aforementioned feline is the sweetest and most loving and adoringly adorable kitty you have ever met… just so long as you are a human being. Or at least not another male cat. He seems okay with the ladies. Might even do well with a doggie. He just ain’t too keen on other male kitties so much. But boy-oh-boy with this boy, and the abundance of love he has to share, you will never find yourself lacking in the love department with him by your side!!

    Cotton is also FIV positive. What does that mean? Sound scary?? It really isn’t, it just means that it’s harder for him to fight infection. Many FIV+ cats live long and happy lives! They can live as an only cat or with other FIV+ cats.

    Cotton is currently available for adoption at our San Diego campus but is residing behind-the-scenes, so you will need to be sure to ask for an introduction! His adoption fee of only $65 is such a small price for the ginormous amount of love that he will introduce into your life! It also includes his neuter, current vaccinations, permanent microchip identification, a certificate for a free veterinary exam, and a license if residing in Oceanside or Vista! For more information about this lovable gem of a kitty, or if you’d like to meet him, please contact Customer Service at (619) 299-7012 or stop by our Gaines Campus. Animal ID 140626

  • New Carpet – Did You Know The Odor Can Be Toxic?

    Posted on June 6th, 2014
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    New carpet is wonderful because it gives you a fresh, new, clean feeling.

    Did you know, however, that a caustic chemical may lurk in your new carpet?

    Some carpets are made with a chemical called VOCs, Volatile Organic Compounds, and are a substance that contains carbon and that evaporates or “off-gases” at room temperature.

    A number of building and household materials may be sources of VOCs. New carpeting, backing, and adhesives; draperies; wood products that use certain glues, finishes, and waxes in the manufacturing process; and vinyl type flooring and wall coverings may all release VOCs into the air.

    Studies of animals have shown that breathing some types of VOCs over a long period of time can increase the risk of getting cancer.

    These odors can easily be removed with Earth Care’s Clear The Air Odor Eliminators. Simply sprinkling Earth Care Clear The Air granules on the carpet and hanging Earth Care Odor Remover Bags will eliminate the new carpet odors. This unique form of Earth Care Products Mineral does not have to come into contact with the odor producer; it will pull the odors from the entire area.

    Clear The Air draws in odors like a powerful magnet. The odors are absorbed, and neutralized without any fragrances. Clear The Air does not cover up odors; it literally “clears the air” leaving the air fresh and clean. Clear The Air is made from an all-natural mineral, is non-toxic and biodegradable and safe for Planet Earth.

    Are you planning any type of home improvement project? Make sure to keep our Clear The Air on hand to eliminate harmful chemicals such as VOCs that lurk in paint, glues and carpets.

  • How To Trim Your Dog’s Nails

    Posted on May 16th, 2014
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    Routine nail clipping is important for your dog.

    If your dog’s nails get too long, they could splinter or snap. This is uncomfortable for the dog and can lead to infection. You should make nail clipping part of your dog’s regular grooming process.

    If your dog isn’t used to getting his nails trimmed, the last thing you want to do is frighten and overwhelm him by rushing the process. Take a little extra time to slowly introduce the nail clippers, as well as the sensations involved in trimming. The first time you use the clippers, don’t plan on giving your dog a full pedicure. Instead, just clip one or two nails, and remember to give your dog treats or play a game right after trimming.

    Here’s an informational guide to help you trim your dog’s nails:

    1. Choose a time your dog is mellow and relaxed. Most dogs do not enjoy having their nails trimmed so finding a time he is calm will be to your best advantage. Position your dog so you have a good view of the paw you need to clip.
    2. Hold your dog’s paw firmly in one hand and the clippers in the other.
    3. Find the vein inside your dog’s nail, also known as the “quick”, before you start clipping. For dogs with lighter nails it is easy to see. If your dog has darker nails, you may not be able to detect it.
    4. Clip off a small end of the nail and gradually work towards the quick making sure you do not cut too close. If you do cut into the quick hold a piece of tissue on the nail for a few minutes. You can also use a powder that will stop the bleeding that you can find at your local pet store.
    5. File any rough ends of the nail if necessary. Praise your dog for letting him or her cut their nails so if feels like they have done a good job for sitting still for you.