Skunk Smell Finally Gone
About 6 months ago at least 2 skunks got into our attic. One sprayed when it was caught in a rat trap and another sprayed for some other reason. The whole house stank. The smell got into our upstairs duct work. I have tried everything to get rid of the smell with very limited success. Enzyme products have done only a little good. We had the ducts cleaned, which helped not at all. I put one of your bags in the return aid duct, one in my boy's room's closet and one in the master BR closet. The granules I spread around in the attic, all 9 lbs. Within 2 hours, the smell which has hounded us for 6 months was just gone! I cannot tell you how grateful I am. After all I have been through and all the money I have spent trying to solve this problem, I can truly say, you have an amazing product that does what it claims to do. Please feel free to use my name and testimonial.
Thomas S. Jamul, CA
Thomas S. Jamul, CA
Testimonial By: Thomas